Tuesday 14 January 2014

Film Posters in Popular Culture...

Film posters be used to advertise films, but they have become a pop culture phenomenon in recent years and some have become iconic, appearing on merchandise, T Shirts, album covers and posters on bedroom walls.
 These are usually the case for older films where their poster has become an iconic image, such as 'Jurassic Park', 'Star Wars', 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Star Trek'. These film posters have become so iconic probably because the films are described as a cult classic, and have large followings even today, despite the age of the original film.

 The fact that some film posters end up of merchandise demonstrates the importance of a good film poster because they can help the film to become iconic and increase the gross of the film. It can also help films to remain popular years after they are released because of the exposure of the film poster in popular culture.


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